Leaders & Future Leaders
I help leaders and future leaders to navigate the challenges of modern organisations and to bring out the best in others.
I share your intention to have a positive impact in the world with the work that you do and in the conversations you have.
But leading people and change is difficult work.
You have earned your position due to your intelligence, your confidence in handling complexity, your sharp business acumen, your technical skills, your undeniable hard work marked by late night nights and numerous sacrifices.
Only to be confronted with group and power dynamics that get in the way of your brilliant and diverse team achieving at the level you know they are capable of.
You are faced with constant negotiating, rallying support and commitment for your vision, dealing with social and internal conflicts, systemic issues and consequences, attending to the diversity of human interests and agendas, balancing present problems and future risks and opportunities…and you have to be an inspiring, inclusive leader! All while getting to grips with a changing world of work.
It can be lonely and exhausting.
I support purpose-driven leaders and future leaders through the challenges of leading in a complex, changing world.
Despite all these challenges you face as a leader, there are many things that are already working well. We will see how your strengths (skills that you perform best at with the greatest ease and joy) and your values (what you care about most) can help you to face these situations and get the work done.
You don’t need to go at this alone. So, lets go deep, remove what blocks you, develop more helpful habits and behaviours, and unleash your power to be successful in your leadership mission, relationships, and life goals. I will be your partner, supporting you, and challenging you to step up to be the person you aspire to be, or to do the work that life is asking of you.
In leadership, who you are is more important than what you know.
The Leadership Challenge. We will work together on building your self-awareness and your social awareness so that you confidently hold the tensions of what is expected of you, with what emerges in the day-to-day, and with how you want to show up as a courageous leader.
What can you gain from coaching?
Personal insight & awareness into your leadership style & its impact
Become more effective in your day-to-day leadership behaviours & results
Prepare for taking on enhanced leadership responsibilities
Manage the stress & intensity of your responsibilities & improve your wellbeing
Create and develop a high-performance team
Leading successful change in your organisation
Build your confidence to share your vision & set direction
Develop new ways of working that meets the needs of your team
Use your strengths to inspire & motivate movement towards shared goals
Effective stakeholder communication & building authentic relationships
An agenda-free, non-political space to think through strategic challenges & opportunities
And more…